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Balance Bike - Kids' Balance Bikes for 2 3 4 5 6 Year Old Boys Girls - 8" Lightweight Aluminum Adjustable Toddler Training Bike No Pedal Bikes with EVA Patented Design Explosion-Proof Wheels, Blue

$33.59 ( $55.99 )   You save $22.4 (40% Off)
  • RECOMMENDED AGE - This balance bike Suits for 18 month 1 2 3 years old babies who are learning to walk or developing balance.
  • EASY TO INSTALL - This balance bikes, take only 5 minutes to assemble, no tools required.
  • ALUMINUM FRAME - This kids' balance bike which made of aluminum, it is stronger than steel and iron, but lighter than steel and iron, It is very lightweight, weight only 4 lbs, baby for 1 2 3 year old can hadle it very easy.
  • HAVE FUN - This balance bike can develop baby's sense of balance, it can also build baby's muscle strength and coordination, they can enjoy the riding and become confident.
  • SILENT WHEELS FOR INDOORS AND OUTDOORS - This toddler balance bike is very silent when riding. It Won't damage your floor. In addition, it can also be rided in the garden, but not on slopes, streets, roads, bumpy, muddy and wet roads. Do not leave your baby alone when riding.
  • 120 ANGLE TURNING LIMIT - This toddler balance bikes with 120 angle turning limit and gravity steering without leaving the ground to prevent the baby from turning over.
  • HIGH-QUALITY MATERIAL - This baby balance bikes is made of high-quality material, BPA free, and have bright non toxic pain. Ensure that they are safe for every baby.
  • QUALITY SERVICE - Mtbkwinn supply 1 year after sale service, if you have any quality problem with the balance bike, please feel free to contact us, we will reply you in 24H.
Due to changes put at least one (.) dot for the latest feed 40% off Discount code: FSS8X5D3 Deal Price: 33.59-45.59